Sunday, April 30, 2017

It's amazing... I'm Floored!!

Last week involved some rain (3 days to be precise) and 3 days of frantic working once the sun arrived and involved sorting out a supply issue and a 120 mile round trip dash for flooring!

Almost too much excitement for one week.

Once the rain left and the sun made a reappearance......
 and the supply issue was resolved.....

the work began...

Inspections were completed throughout the project....

and finally it was all laid.....

OMG the crawl space is covered up, how can we get down there to hang out...

Hello, hello is there anyone there....

Obviously its not just as simple as laying sheets of plywood, there was glue involved, each sheet is tongue and groove to the next front to back, and there were other tips and tricks to getting it laid, Mr M still needs to go round and trim up the edges and something else (I might have stopped listening to that bit of chat) before moving on to framing the walls.

Impressive hey - I'm Floored!

The sunshine and warm weather are welcome in the garden, my seeds are starting to show some real potential at last....


It has also coincided with a super low tide so we have been exploring parts of the beach that are normally under water....

Starfish that have been known to eat a man they are so large *old pirates tale*

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