Sunday, April 2, 2017

Underneath every house.... a dead body.. are concrete foundations!!

It was a busy end of the week here at Wern y Wylan, the contractors arrived and within 2 days they had the formers in, inspection passed and ready for concrete pouring at 8am Monday morning!

First they put the outside formers in... they worked flat out (Mr M take note)..

Next the rebar is suspended so that when the concrete is poured it ends up in the middle...

Finally the inside formers with spacers to keep it all in place, plus big metal bolts that the house will be fixed to (that should stop us getting blown away then, maybe?), the grey box is the vent, these are positioned all around the top of the foundations.

They then painted the formers with diesel - lovely lovely diesel.. Mr M was particularly disturbed by the smell, he obviously didn't grow up on a farm! I kept looking for the tractor!

All ready for the concrete....

Whilst the real work has been going on I have been pottering around in the garden, loving that Spring has finally sprung and I can finally get outside without wearing a coat..

I have been wheel barrowing river rock up to the top of the garden to complete some of the pathways, and putting in a bed here and there...

My greenhouse is starting to come alive, I have baskets and pots with nasturtiums and sweet peas....

A bin with potatoes that were originally planted for Christmas LOL.. taken a while but I think they might be ready before Christmas 2017...

We've been enjoying salad mix for a while now...

And if I keep checking these pots I think my seeds might germinate quicker...

So BIG day tomorrow - no going back - house or swimming pool next!

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