Sunday, April 9, 2017

Dispatch from the trenches....

... all soldiers could be suffering from trenchfoot!

Monday morning dawned bright and early and everyone arrived "on site".  Concrete trucks, concrete pump and men, lots of men!

Concrete got poured out of the truck into the pump...

and then basically pooped its way out of this big tube into the formers...

Men then go around with a big vibratoring thing vibrating into the concrete to remove air.,..

Whilst other men go around and smooth the top of the concrete..

All these men.....

Worked their socks off and in less than 4 hours the foundations were in...

So we had some sun which allowed the concrete to set, then some of the men came back and took off the formers... and voila.... job done..

Mr M has now started, he is working on getting the mud sills in place! Mud sills are bits of wood that are the interface between the concrete and the floor joists, lots of measuring, some more measuring and hole drilling.....

He will be finishing up these this week and all his floor joists are being delivered at some point.  Check back next week for progress!

So its still raining in Oregon on and off (more on than off) and this last week we had a big windstorm one night, the wind came from a different direction to normal and we had a lot of branches come down! My chickens must have woken with a start when 2 huge branches hit the chicken coop... luckily the ducks are there to protect them!  This has now been fixed and life continues on as normal for the FU...
Get the bonfire started up Mr M, we have more stuff to burn....

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