Sunday, April 23, 2017

In this week's edition of Homes and Gardens....

... things are moving along!

Just incase there was any doubt, Mr M does work :)
Rim joists are placed around the outside of the building and nailed to the mudsills, then the floor joists are nailed to the rim joists (see I DO pay attention)..

Double joists are where the walls will be....

All the joists are lined up neat and tidy 16 inches apart like little soldiers... or people planking...

Keep on working Mr M....

All the joists are spaced with central blocking.....

Looks really cool... maybe we should leave it like this... make a maze and charge people to come and find their way out! we could be millionaires...

Moving forward the floor is next, plus all the drainage needs to be put in around the foundations and it needs backfilling, lots of things are now on the to do list!

Onto more interesting stuff......

I am working on the next phase of my veggie garden, I plan to have the veggie garden all completed by the end of this summer "yeah right" so next year I can work on the garden proper.

So all of last year (and still a work in progress), I have been laying down gravel pathways, the next step is to edge them all with pavers (anyone who knows my Dad will understand where the obsession with straight and tidy lines comes from)...  I figure if I do 30 at a time it will not only spread the cost it will save my back...
The garden is getting all planted up, potatoes are in their bins, peas are in, turnips and beets are on their way up as are the first round of radishes and carrots...

I am diligently working on keeping the deer away from temptation, raspberries are fully netted this year..

And everyone is putting in the full effort to make this a successful growing season....

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