Sunday, May 7, 2017

Morning Campers............

Another week has flown by, and mostly its been chopping, sawing, nailing, screwing and sawdust. 

Oh that's a big pile.....
Before you start to build your wall you mark out your base plates (that's the piece of wood along the bottom of the wall to us monkeys), you mark all your door and window entrances and stud positions..

Then  follow these simple instructions...  First you survey the worksite and the workers....

Then you cut the wood to length.....
you then nail the studs together to form the wall components...

Some of the wall studs are triples as they are sheer walls and door frames, then the 'u' shaped studs are for where internal walls meet external walls, the 'L' shaped ones are the corner posts... its all very complicated but eventually when all the components are put together they form a wall...

Yes you are correct, the wall is lying down, but eventually it will be stood up, I just need to eat a bit more spinach so I am strong enough to help!

Window header.....

Mr M is fully getting into the builder mentality, most builders have a van but as his commute is so short he has plumped for a pull along trailer....

I on the other hand, use it for much more practical uses.... like hauling my paving slabs up to the top of the garden! All the "Good Life" fans out there will understand the requirement for ski goggles...

The weather has been glorious (apart from the inch of rain on Friday morning)..

Consequently my seeds have been growing like weeds... this was last week....

And look at the difference a week makes.....
I have 1 new bed to fill and had better crack on as those corgettes need to get outside into the ground...

We've had a bit of dissent within the FU.. Dippy the white duck has taken a bit of a shine to George the little red hen, and like most men he is pretty single minded in his pursuit of a shag and doesn't seem to understand that physically it won't work, but that hasn't stopped him trying, relentlessly trying, and trying and trying.... relentlessly.... so we have had to separate the boys from the girls!

Now he is spending his days mostly swimming... cool your boots Dippy, cool your boots!

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