Sunday, May 14, 2017

One, Two, Three... Lift!

A few years ago whilst we were still in Washington, Mr M took me on a journey to purchase some "wall jacks" that were a huge bargain and we definitely needed in order to build our house! Well TBH I was not only amazed that he hadn't lost them, but we actually did use them! What a bargain, well worth the shopping trip Mr M.

Another week another 2 days of rain... but even so it is amazing what you (Mr M) can achieve in 3 days.....
Start off small....

Once that was up he then put some props onto the outside to stop the next big wall from continuing to tip over....

Then he got the jacks in place....

And called in the big guns..

As you pull down on the arm the jack climbs up the piece of wood and lifts up the wall, it is actually very clever (don't tell him I said that).

And its up, struts on the inside and the outside edges stop it from falling in or out.  Look there, that's the front door "welcome"....

Rinse and repeat (minus the big guns as some of us have real work to do), and you have a back wall...

See that window in the middle, that's my kitchen window, I will be able to peruse my kingdom whilst doing dishes.... there I am slaving away up in the garden....

Window and door headers have been put in..... 

And one of the side walls...
The tall window at the end of the wall is the spare room window, there are 4 of these in the living room, there is going to be lots of light coming in.

That is pretty much as far as he got before the rain stopped play!  The sunshine is set to return this week so the final lower wall will be put in and then we will be working upwards.....

The only way is UP baby.....

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