Sunday, June 3, 2018

Work hard, stay bumble.....

Well where to start... ummm here.  So in the past two weeks the windows have had a spot of trim added to the top, metal no less...

And he fitted the window trim to the final downstairs window....

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd finally he built this, seriously crying with laughter when I asked Mr. M what he had to go on the blog...

In his defense he has been experiencing back twinges reminiscent of his slipped disc, so not wanting to do any long term damage he's been on enforced rest.  So what did he do with his free time.  We had a long weekend and the rest of the week was spent running errands and then...

Some of this....
Some of this

And lots of this....

On the flip side of the household, there's been lots of activity, everything in the garden is starting to grow, grow, grow. My Sweet Williams are in full bloom....

and my dahlias and scatter seeds are about to break out into song color...

Everything else is starting to get going,beans zuchinnis....
Greenhouse tomatoes, getting some flowers...

Potatoes at the top of their bins..

Garlic bed is looking good

My parsnip germination was much better this year, but for some reason the middle of the bed is a no go area, not sure what this is about...

And finally my raspberry bed is looking promising, these came with us from Seattle and after three years looks like they are back up to speed....
FULL of bees.....

Me and the bees will keep the wheels turning, Mr. M will hopefully catch up with us soon.....

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