Sunday, June 24, 2018

Warning, readers of this blog may be disappointed...

If you were expecting to see some house progress.  However,  if you are looking for photos of fish, flowers and fresh veggies, then this is the blog for you.....

So Mr. M might have gone fishing for a few days, it's good for the freezer, but does slow house progress down somewhat.

He has got the door surrounds on the doors..

And varnished too...

He has also put up one of his corner posts...

Only 3 more to go...

Well what a week, Mr. M looks exhausted LOL!!!!
One of the great benefits of this blog has been the ability to compare my garden year on year, two years ago I was already picking zucchini's and turnips.  This year I have pulled a couple of small turnips but nothing to get excited about, and my first zucchini is very nearly ready...

This time of year I think it is a good expectation to just go for quality over quantity, that way you can never be disappointed :)

My flowers are definitely not disappointing, my pollinator bed in my veggie garden...

Full of baby blue eyes...

Tidy tips....

Cornflower polka dot mixes...

California bluebells...

And lots of others that haven't flowered yet.  I also have nasturtiums all over the place, the bees are having a ball!

And I have pulled my first garlic harvest for the year.  These were some bulbs that I planted in January when they started sprouting inside, so I stuck them in the ground and voila.  This lot will be off the farmers market soon, fresh garlic is always welcome!  My main crop is just starting to throw out their scapes, nothing quite like fresh garlic!

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