Sunday, June 17, 2018

Keep ducking on....

More ducting.. it's quite repetitive this house building lark.  Ducting is all in under the crawl space, so now it is being put in all through the house...

For my English readers....we are installing forced air heating.  The ducting carries the hot/cold air around the house and it is blown out into the rooms via vents (register boots) in the floor....

Once all (or most) of the ducting is installed you then have to fit the air handler - I suspect that handles the air!  You take it apart and turn it upside down and put everything back in....

The evaporator.....

And then you put the front back on and lift it into place....

And there you have it.  So onto a quick garden update, picked and ate my first raspberry - DELICIOUS..... Mr. M can have the next one....

Red currants are doing their thang and going red....

My flower bed is starting to bloom...

They are in competition with my sweet Williams that are storming ahead in the pretty stakes..

Mind you they've got some competition in our back porch.  My Christmas cactus and another currently unnamed spurious Ikea cactus are also in flower...

Veggies are growing well, beans, zucchinis and nasturtiums, with potatoes behind them...

Please, peace, peas....

Parsnips with a bald spot....

Greenhouse is coming along...

Won't be long Brian.....

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