Saturday, December 30, 2017

I've eaten too much!!

Those 4 words have been uttered a lot in this household over the festive period... 2 more days and back to chocolate banishment and healthy eating!

This week was a short week after Christmas Eve - eating, Christmas Day - eating, Boxing Day - more eating, then we were back to work for 3 days....  Mr M cracked on and got a few more windows in!

First he finished off the bottom half of this end wall...
Then he wrapped and put in some corner windows in what will eventually be the dining room...

Me and Miss Molly Moobilous inspected and approved...

And that was kind of it for this week, he also was working on the framing of the walls for my office, but hasn't finished it yet.

So here we are at the end of 2017.  We are really happy with how much has been achieved this year, we started off in March with the first dig....

Built it layer by layer....



And here we are......

Excited for 2018 and getting this project completed........ 2018 is the year of the DOG and at least 3 members of our household approve. 

So if you haven't already, get yourself and dog and embrace everything the year has to offer!!!

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