Sunday, December 17, 2017

Wingardium Leviosa...

It's been a busy old week with lots going on, firstly Mr M has pretty much framed our bedroom, bathroom, closet (more on that shortly), we had Wayne and his excavating thingy come out and dig a trench so we could lay the rest of the conduit in for the power.  Mr M will soon be putting in the big cable and we will have main power running into the house rather than extension cables!! We picked up our first delivery of windows and finally there has been more progress on the roof!

Inside and upstairs, its like magic... all of a sudden we have walls and defined spaces!

He put all his top plates on....

We have some really cool alcoves in our bedroom, there is going to be lots of "interesting" spaces...

I didn't get a photo of the trench digging, it's mud and men with shovels etc... you can use your imagination to picture that.

We picked up windows... (and yes Mr M did make a very cool a-frame to keep them upright during transportation up the hill...

And we got some more roofing complete - over halfway done now.  The front is all done apart from some loose ends to finish up...

And the back is started, I am so happy with the shingles that we chose.  Watching our roofing contractor work is like watching him do a huge jigsaw puzzle, he is doing an awesome job!

We are continuing to have absolutely glorious weather.. if this is winter I'll take it!!

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