Sunday, October 1, 2017

Two Years – 24 Months – 730 Days – 17520 Hours – 1051200 Minutes – 63072000 Seconds.

Welcome to October, yes, October, this summer has flown by!

So the last week we had all the settings ready for the posts....

First job this week was to get the posts in place....

Next job involved lots of this...
Then he single handedly got the beams up onto the top of the posts, with the help of the wall jacks (remember them)..
The beams were fixed onto the posts with some pretty fancy brackets...

Once they were up there was some more wood working to do to make one end look like this...

And the other end like this...

Then these were added as ties to hold the posts back to the house, one end sits on top of the post as such...

And the other end was fixed via a big bolt onto the house...

The next job is to fit the rafters onto the porch which will tie the house roof and the porch roof together.  As with all good projects you don't just plough on in, you make a pattern first....

Then you cut all the rafters to shape....

And that is where the end of the week got to.... a good weeks work Mr M, I can vouch for the fact that those pieces of cedar are heavy SO heavy!

We are celebrating our two year anniversary on the big move to Port Orford, I took the opportunity to have a candid interview with Mr M the builder, engineer and all round super hero!

  1. Are you still happy you made the decision to give up your well paid, good benefits, long term job with Boeing? Yes, absolutely!!
  2. What do you miss the most (apart from the money, we all miss the money) about working at Boeing? Being able to go down on the shop floor and look at the airplanes.
  3. If you could change one thing you have done on the house so far what would it be? Nothing really, maybe integrated the beam above the window better, but that's just details and I blame the Engineer (not me) for not mentioning it!
  4. Would you still choose this house design to build, or do you wish you had stuck to something a bit more straight forward? Nope, I didn't want to make anything too simple, there has to be a sense of achievement to it.
  5. What are you most looking forward to completing next? Getting the windows will be good, and electrics, I like wiring :) *nerd*
  6. What are you least looking forward to completing next?  Drywall! (quickest answer yet)
  7. What's the best bit about working for me? You buy me whiskey and I get to stay in bed until 7.30am!
  8. Finally if you had one question for me what would it be.... Are you still happy I made the decision to give up my well paid, good benefits, long term job with Boeing and come to live in the middle of nowhere in a shed and build a house in the garden?
Of course I am darhling!!! because of you my lunch breaks look like this....

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