Sunday, September 24, 2017

Roof .... "the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle."

It's been a busy old week here at Wern Y Wylan... it's all been going on!

So Monday morning the rain arrived which coincided with the arrival of the work crew who had arrived to start the roof! As it happened the rain came and went and mostly stayed away whilst they were working!

They are like super hero's, three days later and we have a roof!

First the plywood sheathing...

Then the tar paper - seriously amazing to watch, no hanging around, and definitely no tea breaks! They made it look like the roof was flat...

Front and back all done, we are now somewhat waterproof - apart from the huge holes in the walls...  naturally as soon as they finished the sun came back out....

Looks good from the inside too....

So before the roof can be finished Mr M needs to crack on with the porches, and cracking on he is.  First of all he put in his markers and locators....

The he dug some holes... square ones...

Then he got to play with his mixer and filled them with cement, he also set some metal brackets into the cement that the porch posts will sit in....

They passed inspection....

Whilst the cement was setting he worked on preparing the posts.... find the 10 foot posts.....

Then you need to chisel out the end that will sit in the brackets..

 This week he will be working on getting these posts in and framing the porch!

Fall/Autumn is definitely in the air, the nights are chilly and things in the garden are starting to slow down, I tipped my last three potato bins (apart from my Christmas bin) we won't be short of potatoes for a while....

Lots of yummy dinners from the garden this time of year....

Won't be long and we will be eating our dinner in here....

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