Sunday, October 29, 2017

Man down.....

Not much to report this week, after all the frenzied activity in getting the porches finished we are still
sat here waiting for the roof to be completed *taps fingers on desk*

Mr M managed to hurt his back whilst finishing up the porches so he just finished up a few jobs at the beginning of the week.  He added some corners where the front porch and the front overhang meet...

Then he added some blocking to the inside walls to increase strength....

And then it all went to pot! his back got bad enough for a doctor's visit who diagnosed a herniated disc which is pressing down on his sciatic nerve.  Mostly it is painful when sitting and when going from sitting to standing, fortunately once up he is quite agile, but no heavy lifting for a while.

It is a total Pain In the Arse.... quite literally too!!!
But he has plenty of drugs to get him through.....

We were due some time off so this is the last blog for a while.  We are going to be practicing the 4 R's "Recover, Recoup, Rest and Relaxation"

See you on the other side......

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