Sunday, March 6, 2016

Tape, Skim, Paint & Trim, Cuthbet, Dibble, Grub!

... Although it is a bit more like "Auf Wiedersehen Pet" round here rather than "Trumpton" but I am always looking for a catchy title, and Thankfully Mr M isn't an Oz!!

First of all this week the tape and skim move.   Mr M has finished all the taping on the drywall, the big wall took a while to dry after the skim and the dust from sanding - Oh the dust - You know Casper the Ghost, yep Mr M looked very similar after sanding!


He has also built a cupboard in the bathroom for the hot water tank, and this will also be the airing cupboard/linen closet.  This is now taped, skimmed and ready for painting!

I have been working my magic with the paintbrush, the bathroom is completely painted apart from the new wall, and today I got the first coat of primer onto the big wall!

Here you go - watch this paint dry!

Next up the trim.... this is where things are starting to come together, pretty good for low budget and no frills!
The top of the walls have all been trimmed out in plywood - good old plywood!


He also trimmed out around all the rafters with 2x1 pine, hard to see in the photos but it looks great...

The windows are now all trimmed out!  Who knew that needed to be done? I thought windows just were, well windows - I have been taking window ledges for granted all these years!



Looks good right? just some plain old pine, nothing fancy! but looks lovely! We might need to add some stain once we are moved in to keep it looking smart!

The electrics are now all completed, we are "live" all over! don't put your finger in here...... looks like something out of Alien!

We have a stack of studs in the garage drying out, all the lumber yards store their inexpensive studs outside, these will be going under our raised and insulated floor (more plywood), so before we put them down on the concrete and cover them up we thought it would be prudent to dry them out.
It's like Extreme Jenga....

Big News of the week, our appliances have been delivered - Oh My it's like waiting for Christmas... I will have a fridge and a freezer large enough to hold everything without having to strategically place and plan!  and I will have an oven - be still my beating heart - chicken and mushroom pie, roast beef with all the trimmings, shepherds pie and many, many other baked items!

Yes, they are still wrapped up! there is no way I am unwrapping these babies until the threat of dust has diminished!

Daisy is enjoying the pellet stove, it was a particularly wet and stormy weekend, but that holds no fear for our dogs....

Yet another week has flown by, we are getting so close to moving into our "first" new home. 

In the meantime we are still bringing the beach home bit by bit.  This week a huge storm blew through and left lots of plastic washed up on the beach, we did our bit and are recycling this buoy as a garden toy for the doglets!

After a very benign February - March is certainly coming in like a lion around here, 4 inches of rain already this week, lets hope the lamb takes over soon!

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