Sunday, March 20, 2016

Red shoes.... No Knickers!!!

Let's hope that saying doesn't work the same for kitchen counter tops!!

This week the kitchen got some attention - anyone ever applied laminate before? Mr M hasn't either, but as with everything he took it all in his stride!

First of all he built the counters, 2 pieces of chipboard glued together to give us a nice chunky top, hole cut out to fit the kitchen sink....

Then the sides are laminated....

And then the tops..

We are both really pleased with how they have turned out..

The kitchen is pretty much finished for now once the kitchen sink is installed!  We will wait until we have moved in to fit the cupboard doors and overhead cabinets.

Next job for the week was to finish up tiling.  The last row of tiles in the shower...

And then the skirting around the bathroom...

Kitchen got a backsplash....

.... and behind the sink got an extra special touch....

Final job for the week was to plaster board the back of the big wall inside the end garage bay, this needs to be plaster boarded, taped and skimmed for our inspection, I will be leaving the painting to Mr M, he will need something to do once this project is finished

We are so close to moving in - just another 6 weeks!! (hopefully NOT) !!!

It's like our very own version of "Homes and Gardens" on this blog, another productive weekend in the garden saw some more burning! Plus Mr M was out with his chainsaw, taking down some rotten trees and generally being all manly!

It's all I can do to keep him away from my high heels!!

We didn't burn all of the trees that we took down, I used some of them to create some borders along my pathways...

Our lovely "part time" neighbor turned up this week with a trailer full of cedar planks, he lives next to a cedar mill and these planks are all ones that don't make the grade for selling, but are perfect for us and our MANY projects to complete.  We can now finish up making the raised beds just in time to get planting.  I have my greenhouse full of seeds - none of them have sprouted yet, but I am practicing the art of patience :)

Not much else to report this week, Spring has officially arrived - wooohooo!!!

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