Sunday, February 28, 2016

Plans, plans... keep on making plans!

Hello, hello... yes it's Sunday night again!

So what's been occurring this week?  The bathroom is coming along.  Mr M has finished building the concrete step to the shower base, takes longer than you think to create these kind of masterpieces...

Last week the wire mesh was in place....

Concrete was poured and formers put in place to help it set (and to stop sagging, I could use a couple of those fnar fnar)..

Finally by the end of the week it is fully dry, ready for tiling....

He then cracked on with wall boarding THE BIG dividing wall, we have delayed completing it as we had a doorway through to the garage end, but alas we needed to get the wall up, painted and finished!

It is a huge wall - love it, can't wait to get it painted..

But first the seams have to be taped and skimmed - this took Mr M all day.. as I said, it is a BIG wall...

This has to be done twice, first job this coming week is to get the second skim on, then I can crack on with the painting!

We have some paint in the bathroom...

And some electrics are being completed, yep they are wired up and "live".. plug it in, plug it in!

Each week brings us a little closer to our move in date... appliances arrive this week, and we have been drawing up complex plans for our internal layout.  Hmmmm we think everything will fit, naturally premium floor space will of course be taken up by dogs..

Continuing on with planning the kitchen we went to the beach today to start collecting the handles for the cupboards - watch this space!
And more complex plans have also been drawn up for my garden, helps a lot to know where everything is going to live, post it notes are of course the preferred medium for intricate designs..

My garden is really starting to come together, this bed is ready for strawberry plants....

The garlic I planted when we were first here in October has well and truly survived the wet winter and is growing like crazy...

Spring has sprung all around us, I planted these daffodils Fall 2014, they may not look like much but are providing me with inspiration for the rest of my garden!  There are fields of daffodils all over the place around here, as well as baby lambs! It's just like Wales!!

Got some crocuses too...

And I have even cut my grass...

Enjoy tomorrow folks as we LEAP into March - Happy 29th of February!!!

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