Sunday, February 7, 2016

Once upon a time, on a far off distant beach........

Here we are, the end of another week... Mr M has been cracking on as usual.  He spent some time finishing up all the bits of plasterboard that still needed to be finished. 

Then he made a start on the shower base... first of all the shower drain is fitted, then a piece of tar paper is laid, this is to prevent the moisture from the cement drying into the plywood underneath, then a layer of wire mesh is laid to help hold the cement in place....

Then the first layer of the cement is put in, it is about 3/4 inch thick and sloped towards the drain...

This is then left to dry, this week he will be finishing up the floor and building up the curb and moving forward to finishing the shower!  We have ordered all our tiles and they will be arriving this week.

Our pellet stove got delivered, we haven't fitted it yet though as the flue isn't getting here until this week.  But it looks convincing, we will be getting it "fired" up this week!

The rest of the week was spent taping and skimming the plasterboard joints, this is just the first layer, second layer is coming this week too!  I don't think this is one of Mr M's most favorite jobs, he isn't satisfied with the finish but to be honest I think it looks great, but whadda I know?

Daisy loves the garage transformation and is hoping that the kissing booth stays....

We have had some lovely sunny days this week and more to come, I love to walk on the beach with my head down looking in amongst the rocks and the sticks, it is curious what one can find...

We found this interesting rock, well we think it is a rock, but we don't really know! It smells and for a short while we thought it was sperm whale vomit and worth a fortune. OH the things we were going to buy with our treasure...
But Thanks to google and Wikipedia we discovered that those special treasures are more specific to the Atlantic and not the Pacific.. hey ho....
I think this will have to go back to the beach, it is far to interesting to Tilly who spends most of her days (and evenings) stood barking at it!!
Anyone know what it could be? we are thinking maybe bone?
And then of course there are all the other treasures!

Once Upon a Time, on a far off distant beach lived a duck....

He was a very lonely duck with only shells for friends....

He tried laying an egg to make a friend...

but it didn't hatch...

Then one day he came across a beautiful starfish who was laying in the sunshine in a gorgeous shell...

Finally his Princess, but was she the one? He handed her the glass slipper to see if it would fit...

A perfect fit, they fell in love and lived happily ever after.....


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