Sunday, November 29, 2015

Please Sir, just 3 more holes!!!

Ola peeps! A short week for us here in the US as it was Thanksgiving week, so 3 days on, 4 days off - and yes I did give Mr M 4 days off, although we have still been busy busy busy!

The garage transformation is moving along, the ceiling is mostly insulated...

Mr M spent some time putting his free scaffolding together, he made new cross braces and wooden platforms and I heard him muttering about how it needs painting - ummm NO it doesn't!!! Focus, Focus, Focus!!

It is a good job he has it as the middle of the ceiling is wibbly wobbly high!  Next he has started putting wall board (plasterboard, dry wall blah blah blah) on the ceiling using his super duper mega clever lift - each piece of wall board is 12ft  by 4ft so I am not sure how he would do this without this clever gadget!

And then Thanksgiving happened so we have been doing some more outside work!  My chicken run fencing was only meant to be temporary and it was starting to look a bit like Tilly would be under it soon, so we decided this weekend to make the most of the excellent forecast....

See the weather was outstanding!

......and dig 3 MORE holes and concrete in the corner posts and get the gate posts in.  Mr M will be making me a wooden gate to finish it off, but for now the fence is up and much more stable - HA try and get under that now Tilly Dog!

Whilst Mr M was busy messing around with more fencing I had another bonfire, we have such a huge pile of stuff to burn that I think this will be an on going adventure.. we had our picnic lunch sat by our fire.
When I showed this picture to Mr M he just uttered "Ha Brian" - I'll take that as a compliment!!

And in response to that I have just 3 words for him "Health and Safety"

Until next week folks!

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