Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Saw Horse it's like the War Horse but more entertaining!

The hardest part of the blog writers life - deciding upon a "catchy" title!

This week has been another whirlwind of activity for him and her! Mr M has been continuing along with the fencing, so nearly done! Hopefully we will get a couple of drier days this week and then it will all be fenced - Daisy cannot wait!! 

And he has been clearing out all the dead wood and fallen branches and sticks between the trees, so it looks much more like a garden and less like a wilderness, and we have lots of piles of stuff for bonfires!

The other big task that got completed was the garage is finally empty of everything (apart from motorbikes) and the container is now full of all our furniture, boxes, bags and everything else.

This means now that he can start on the garage transformation! as much as I am loving living in the airstream I know I will be just as excited to get moved into the garage, mostly I miss my sofa and my large bed! 

He also brought some scaffolding, which he is going to need when working on getting the roof insulated and boarded, plus I think it is going to be well used through all of the project!  Dennis happened to see one of his neighbors throwing out some old scaffolding, so he brought that round too, so we are set for scaffold!  Exciting stuff right???

Mr M made some Saw Horses this week - apparently they are needed! I am not sure what for, but so far they have provided us with lots of entertainment!

Normal Saw Horses....

Racing Saw Horses....

Hunting Saw Horses....

And finally Mr M thought this was hilarious *tuts and rolls eyes*

I have been doing some more work up in my garden, I ordered some fruit trees, I have a plum and 2 apple trees.  So I spaced the planting area and cleared a spot for each of them...

Then I planted each one and mulched it with some straw....

And finally because we are inundated with deer living around here, I had to cage them! Mr M said they look like they are in prison! poor things... but hopefully they will flourish and in a couple of years provide us with some fruit!

I also brought a redcurrant bush, and that will be planted with my raspberries that came with me from Maple Valley...... This is the next project, the raised bed for the berries!

We have had quite a bit of rain this last week, the thing that amazes me is how mild it is for November, and we have seen the sunshine every single day since we moved! last night we had a terrific storm with forecasted 80mph gusts out on the Cape, not sure what actually got recorded, we are snug as bugs in the airstream under the carport, and Thankfully the trees are used to high winds! 

We made the most of the low tide this last week and walked on the beach after work, we were treated to some spectacular sunsets!

So hopefully this coming week will see an end to all the outside projects we had set Mr M the task of completing!  And then it will be inside the garage and full steam ahead!

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