Sunday, November 1, 2015

Posts, Poles, Panels and Porcupines!

Another busy week in paradise has come and gone! What has been happening this week - hmmmmmm well let me see!

Mr M did put some gutters up, he has only done the front side of the garage/shop as we are waiting for more guttering to arrive in store! but after a few bleep bleep bleeps, it was up and working well - it got a really good work out last night and passed with flying colors.  There isn't much to show you, its guttering - you work it out!

And he also did some more electrical work - who knew there was so many electrics involved, I thought you just plugged it in and turned on the switch - I am now fully functioning on the washing front, rain or shine!

And then the rest of the week has been spent making the most of the good weather, trying to get as much of the property fenced as we can before it really does get too wet and mucky!  I wish we had the sort of dogs *looks sternly at Daisy* that wouldn't run off to investigate our neighbors, but unfortunately we don't, so we have to ensure they can be out and about and safe and sound. 

Firstly he carried on with the cedar board fencing that we had put up before we moved, this now completely fills the gap between us and our neighbors, it would be nice to put this the whole way round, but that would be a bit too $$ spendy $$ for our budget. 

So we will be completing the rest of the fencing with pasture wire fencing, which involves heavy corner posts, that are created into a H shape and with wire twisted tight between them to keep them straight and strong, to allow you to attach the fencing and pull tight - apparently :)
There has been lots of hole digging, cement mixing and basically Mans Work going on!

This coming week he should be able to get more posts in and some fencing attached and hopefully we will have half the property fenced... only the one long side up the street after that - so *cracks whip* shouldn't take him long!

We are hoping for a nice, dry weekend soon as we want to get our stuff out of the garage and into the container - we obviously don't want anything to be damp when it goes in, so nice weather is being requested!  Once that is completed the garage transformation can begin, there is stuff he can do prior to us shifting everything, but obviously a clear working area is preferred!

The weather here is so changeable, we have had a couple of big storms with really heavy wind and rain, then we wake up in the morning and it is brilliant sunshine again, I love it, I guess the ocean brings storms in and moves them out pretty quickly!  We also have been getting some fantastic sunsets!

The rain and sun does mean that my grass seed is starting to look good, nice to see some green grass rather than dirt!


Mr M spent the day on my birthday putting up my greenhouse - what a lovely present, at last somewhere to potter again!  I can kill a lot of time organizing nothing in my greenhouse!

AND I got my first raised bed in, we are using the cedar fence panels to make them with, they are not expensive when only buying a few to make a raised bed, as opposed to fencing 1.25 acres.
I got my garlic planted on Halloween, which is traditionally the day to plant it for a good harvest, apparently! It felt so good to plant something, now it definitely feels like home!

Finally, we had a really great walk today out around the Port Orford headlands,  there was a special weather statement issued as high tide/swell was expected so the beach was a no go and we went to check out the waves - pretty impressive... but more cool than that, as we got back to the lifeboat station museum, we found this guy snaffling around - a porcupine! I have never seen one in the wild before and was shocked at how big he was, the size of a spaniel!! I didn't fancy getting mixed up with him, so I sent Mr M to get a good close up photo for me :)

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