Sunday, December 6, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Happy December, I can't believe it is nearly the end of the year!

This week Mr M has been a busy little bee running up and down the scaffolding (the diet plan is going well) and he has completed insulating and plaster boarding the ceiling!  It already seems much warmer and quieter in there, not that it was loud before, but just more muted!

He still has to tape and skim the joins, but for now he is done up there!

So apart from him doing that, and me working hard, we went and brought a Christmas tree, we have it up out on our decking and it looks pretty!  We got it home and realized we definitely are not skilled Christmas tree buyers as it is really crooked, in fact it basically curves the whole way up, we also don't have a stand for a tree as we normally have an artificial tree, so we used our imagination!
I mean what else do you do with your sun umbrella stand through the winter, apart from repurposing it as a Christmas tree stand, and with a bit of propping we managed to get it looking nice and straight.  As is the norm around here, there are fairy lights, lots and lots of fairy lights!

And a little tree inside for me to look at whilst I am working away!

Mr M is definitely slimming down on the grand diet plan, not through lack of food however - I am doing the dutiful wife thing and keeping him supplied with cakes! I made this chocolate and vanilla swirl cake in my bread maker this week, it needs a bit of fine tuning, but my cake taster assured me it works!

It has been really stormy here this week, Mr M is thankful to be done with outside jobs and is working inside for the foreseeable future!

Our neighbor behind us had a tree come down onto the back of our property, chainsaws soon made small work of that, they also took some other trees back there down too, we noticed we had a rotten tree come down in amongst our wooded area, and this has got Mr M itching to get his chainsaw out and he was out assessing what else he could chop down soon!

Lying in our trailer at night with the wind howling away through all those trees outside is disturbing my sleep pattern somewhat!!

The calm before the storm...

Stormy seas today..

Bit Windy Miller out on the Cape...

This week we have a "meteorological outlook" which states that we could receive up to 10 inches of rain by Thursday.. Oh My!! Good job I brought new wellies the other day!

So providing we don't get blown away anytime soon, this week Mr M is making a start on the bathroom, completing the raised floor that the pipework will run under, and then framing the bathroom wall.  Then the big wall will be going up between the 2 bays and the end bay, separating the living space from the garage space.

I trust he knows what he is doing? I caught him doing homework last night.... taking notes and everything!

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