Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bang Bang Maxwell's Silver Hammer........

I have had that song stuck in my head since Tuesday of this week.... WHY?? because Mr M has been busy using his nail gun, which happens to be silver! it is SO cool though as each time it hammers in a nail a flame shoots out of the back - ok so it might be more of a tiny spark, but that doesn't sound quite as cool as a flame!

As you can see he his completed his Health & Safety training and is now following all directives set forth!

Tilly also attended the training, which was overseen by Daisy... when carpentering you should always wear protective headgear!

So why all the hammering? we have a bathroom!! woohoo, well we have walls and a door frame and a floor.  The floor is a raised floor as all the pipework will run underneath, it was a much simpler way to complete the plumbing rather than having to have had it all planned out and put in before the floor was concreted in for the barn, no way were we that organized! at that point we weren't sure where we were going to put the bathroom.

so we have a floor.....

A wall....

And a door frame....

The wall will also be the wet wall in the kitchen, with the washer/dryer, sink, etc. Mr M has been busy drawing up his plumbing plans, and laying out his pipes, joints etc. and planning where the water and waste will enter and exit the building.

The building inspector is coming by this week to answer some questions and to make sure we are heading in the right direction, it would be better to find out now that something isn't right and won't work, rather than when it is all put together etc.

Exciting stuff though, beginning to see the start of our next "temporary" home :)  We have also been looking at appliances, I will be ready for my cooker when we move in!  I miss having an oven!  the trailer had an oven in it when we brought it, however I decided that it would be much more use to me as a storage area (and a lot safer to me) than an oven, so we removed the inerds and it now holds my bread maker and my bin. 

My bread maker is doing a GREAT job as doubling up as an oven for cake making! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm fresh bread or chocolate chip cake anyone?

Finally "Spaniel, Hound & Spaniel PI Inc." are investigating the mysterious oily footprint that has appeared in the barn.  They haven't found a one legged dog anywhere, nor have they seen any evidence on anyone's paws to suggest the culprit is local!  The investigations will continue until the mystery is solved! 

In the meantime Confucius says "stay away from oil trays, they give much treasured secrets away!"


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