Sunday, August 26, 2018

Mirror, mirror on the wall!

Mr. M has been cracking on with the other side of the end wall, its pretty much a mirror image..

Not forgetting all the tricky bits....


Scaffolding got moved, ready to finish off....

And now he's working on the header for the curved window....

But this coming week he will be switching gears somewhat, got some important deadlines to meet...

Here in Southern Oregon we haven't had any measurable rain since the middle of April, there are wild fires all over and everywhere is dry.  Fortunately the garden is holding up well as I diligently water and sing to it nightly....

Next round of peas are coming on well.....

Tomatoes are going strong, all shapes and sizes....

The potato plants are starting to die back, and sign that they are ready.....

So I tipped my first bin today....

The wildflower bed has some new arrivals...

And the dahlias are a daily delight...

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