Sunday, August 5, 2018

Getting things done...

A busy week, first Mr. M got his mate Dennis, and Dennis' mate the tractor, over and they did some digging...

Digging out a trench from the house to the septic....

Then he laid the pipe...

And voila we are all hooked up! That's another milestone we can tick off of the list, bit weird getting excited about septics,but that's the way this house build thing goes.

Mr. M has also been busy cracking on with the shingles, he is SO nearly done with the first wall, bit slowed down this week due to digging activities.  The higher he has got up the wall, the more strategic the ladder placement, never forgetting health and safety...

Up, up and up...

So nearly done....

Whilst Dennis was here with his tractor we got him to move the big pile of dirt that was in front of the back of the house.  He moved some of it around to the front and graded up the landscaping...

It looks much nicer and less like it is just stuck out of the ground, plus we can now see up the side of the house all the way to my veggie garden...

In the meantime garden life continues, I'm wondering what the world record is for the tallest parsnip plants? I am hoping that I might be in the running....

The great pea harvest of 2018 continues, Mr. M likes then straight from the pod POP!!
I have the next round of peas planted up for a fall harvest, plus I have cauliflower seeds just germinating..

And today I made up some raspberry jam, my raspberries have been fantastic this year and are still going strong..

And finally my dahlias are another success to shout about, who doesn't love prettiness!

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