Sunday, July 9, 2017

Higher Baby... actually you can stop now, that's high enough!!

Last week was a short week as we had our July 4th celebrations, and as I had both Monday and Tuesday off of work, so did Mr M!

Wednesday we were back to work and it was a BIG day on the build, our roof ridge beams got delivered.  This big event has been thoroughly thought out (many, many hours of thinking and worrying),.

Help came from across the street (Thanks Butch) and from Dennis and his 24ft ladder.....
Everyone turned up to watch *Hi Deb and Barb* - yes, they are out on the street watching through the bushes..
they know the rules LOL.....
The truck arrived and it was all hands on deck!

First job was to lift the remaining gable wall into place, so straps were placed around the wall and onto the hook...
And up she goes...
Then it was screwed into place and struts were put on either side and well... its still up there 5 days later... 
Next up the ridge beams...

Measure twice, cut once and ignore advice from everyone....
 Up it goes.....

Fits like a glove into the wall and the beam connector....

Rinse and repeat for the other side.....

And there it is... right to the top, which according to Mr M is VERY high and makes him sweat a lot when he is up there on the top of the scaffolding! I have done my sympathy thing bit, but being the loving wife I am told him its a bit late to go developing a fear of heights.... :)

Its really looking like a house now...
So that was big excitement for us this week, after it was all in place Mr M had to put his big boy pants on and go up the scaffolding.....

He's right, it is high and I wouldn't go up there... however I am not building the house.  He packed out the end of the beams with shims, so they sit tight in the wall placings.  Then he made sure the beam was straight and bolted it into place, there is that technical tool again "string" ......

Then he spent some time NOT at the top of the scaffolding putting on some more plywood on the end walls, they are all finished now....

And the back wall too...

And that's it for this update... next up is our bedroom dorma and working on the roof rafters!

We had a lovely 4th of July, Port Orford always does a great job with lots of stuff going on in town, biggest event is the parade through town. 

We had the emergency services....
The forest fire service including Smokey the Bear...

We had tractors.....

And YES Morris Dancers....

Fishing boats.....

And kids in oil barrels (My particular favorite)...

Old cars....

And of course horses....

It was a fun day with sunshine right the way through. The fog rolled in just in time for the fireworks, but I am sure they would have looked something like this...

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