Sunday, July 30, 2017

Dog House Dormers, not just for dogs!!

This week got off to a flying start and Mr M got most of the one half of the roof rafters in place by the end of the day Tuesday!

It's great to see how the roof is taking shape around the big bedroom dormer....

Next he started working on the dog house dormer, that is going to be my new office window! So let me tell you about Dormers!  The dormer in our bedroom is what one would call a Shed Dormer - This dormer  has a single flat plane roof, but it is sloped in the same direction as the principal roof only at a shallower angle. See Above. A shed dormer can provide head room over a larger area than a gabled dormer, but as its roof pitch is shallower than the main roof it may require a different roof covering.

We are also having 3 "dog house dormers" or Gable fronted dormer: Also called simply a gabled dormer, this is the most common type.  It has a simple pitched roof of two sloping planes, supported by a frame that rises vertically to form a triangular section below the roofline, i.e. a gable. It is also known as a dog-house dormer (due to its similar shape).

You can Thank me later for all of this knowledge that I am imparting to you weekly!

He had already framed the outside walls a couple months back "on a far off distant memory" rainy day...

The you add the roof trusses..

 Starting to take shape you sheath the walls....

And add the fascias.....

This week he will be getting on with the next side, y'know the side with the big drop... watch this space!

The garden is coming into it's own and is giving back on a daily basis, nomnomnomnom..... we have added peas to the harvest basket....

And I had a bit of a "furtle" in my potato bins, new potatoes taste SO good...

And lots of the usual suspects....

This weekend it is/was the Curry County Fair, after the farmers market off we trotted so I could get my animal fix.  We saw some goats...

Some sheep with the smartest sheepskin coats I have ever seen...

Some piggies with the cutest tooshes going...

Little horses....

Big horses....

And veggies, but no photos of the veggies, you don't need to be looking at someone else's veggies on this blog!!

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