Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ready, Set, SOLD!!

What a whirlwind of a few weeks it's been since we got back from our last trip to Port Orford.  We got back here and within the week we had the house listed for sale.  Who knew that in 11 days we would have an offer, plus a back up offer incase the first one met a stumbling block!

My first observation with selling the house is housework, it is never ending, and then having to be out of the house when viewings occur, but I did have it all down pat by the end of 2 weeks, cleaned and out in a flash!

So once we accepted an offer we go through all the process of inspections, appraisals etc. etc. and now finally we are on the downhill stretch!

Packing has been going with a gusto, had a few trips to the dump and many trips to Goodwill!


Still lots to do but we are making good headway!! We are off to Port Orford with the garage stuff machines, motorbikes and garden stuff soon, we have a 26ft truck, (which isn't as big as it appears in the photo) and are definitely going to fill it!  We rented an engine crane to hoist Mr M's machines into the truck, those things make light work!!


We will be going in convoy, Mr M in the UHaul and me in the truck towing the airstream! it is going to be a long drive, but the destination will make it all worthwhile.  Then 2 weeks today we will be heading down there for the final trip!

Until next time...

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