Thursday, September 24, 2015

That moment when I realized Mr M had 6 bikes NOT 5!!

We just completed THE MOVE PART 1.  We were never going to be "those people" who pay "those people" to move our stuff! we have always been fairly self sufficient with this kind of thing and so when we first started talking about this all I could think was "how are we going to get all of this, down there".  To be fair we don't have that much stuff, we are not hoarders (well I'm not) and having moved half way across the world we didn't have that much to start with when we first moved into this house.

Until this move I always thought Mr M had 5 bikes.. we moved 5 bikes so what's the issue, he must have 5 bikes... except there is 1 still here in the garage - that moment when I realized he had 6 bikes and he had snuck one in under my nose and I didn't realize! I really must pay more attention!

So skip forward to before we listed the house for sale, I proactively looked at movers, storage, pods etc.. and just about fell off my chair with some of the prices people were quoting us cha ching $$$$ mostly due to the remote location, and then the lack of available storage, and none of that is close to our new place - apart from one where they leave pallets on the floor to keep your stuff out of the water when it floods - OH please can we keep our stuff there!!

So after I priced up all the options we came up with the following - purchasing a shipping container for long term storage, and completing the move ourselves with U-Haul one way rentals (we drive it down there and leave it down there at a U-Haul location) was the least expensive option, and storage available 24*7 and think of the potential for more motorbike storage once our furniture is out of the container!

And keeping with the OCD that is Mr M, it is red to match the barn and the well house, there was mutterings about putting a green roof on it, so I quickly focused his attention back to the bigger picture!!

The move had to happen in 2 parts due to the amount of vehicles we have, so this first trip we rented a 26ft U-Haul truck and moved all of the garage stuff, machinery, motorbikes and garden paraphernalia including my green house, we both had to drive the full trip, which was 10 hours with stops, but my trip was a lot less bouncy and rattly than Mr M's.  Apparently the Gentle Ride Van U-Haul advertise ain't so much!!


We got down there safe and sound on a glorious sunny day, and parked the airstream up under the carport, our first new home!  Whilst we had been gone our neighbor Dennis put up some privacy fencing for us, to fill the gap between us and next door, it is AMAZING!!! well worth paying him to do that before we moved down!

So we are back home now for our final week, it is all go, go, go, pack, pack, packing and THE MOVE PART 2 will follow soon!

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