Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Well, Well, Well 3 Holes in the Ground!!

"Well, Well, Well 3 holes in the Ground" to quote my lovely Grampy Watts!!!

Back at the end of last October we had our well drilled, the guy who did it went down 46ft and we are getting 2 gallons a minute out of it.  That is pretty good, but not brilliant! means we will have to have 2500 gallon holding tank and *fingers crossed* it doesn't run dry!

So fast forward to now, and this latest trip, its all very well having a well dug, a big metal tube down into the deepest darkest depths of the dirt! but no water comes out of it without further intervention! We spent some more dollars and purchased a pump, a small holding tank and lots and lots of pipe!

Mr M then proceeded to put it all together and build the base etc. so that by the time we were down there it would just be a case of plugging it all together and voila! Easy Peasy! right???? LOL apart from the leaks!

So you put 46ft of plastic pipe down the hole, careful as you do it so as not to drop anything down there, or lose your pipe! Mr M made an in-genius clamp to help us be successful!

Then he plumbed in the pump etc...

And guess what - we got water! yes at first we ended up with a few more leaks than anticipated, but some magic paste and tape soon sorted those out!  Clever Mr M!

And finally all this needed to be enclosed, Mr M had built the well house whilst we were at home, I spent a couple of my lunch breaks down in Oregon painting ( didn't I do a good job) and we put some insulation on the inside in case we do actually get a frost.... and then put it all together!! looks so cool and YES it does match the pole barn :) Consistency people, Consistency!!

We also got my chicken coop put up whilst we were down there, it is up at the back of the property next to where my vegetable garden will be! I will be putting some fencing up around it to allow them more scratching area! I am happy that at least when we move they will have a bed for the night!

Well that's all for now folks, we have our house on the market and it really is getting real now! We are both very excited and anxious to get our house sold and move on to this next chapter!!


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