Sunday, June 16, 2019

No photos and then some photos....

Mr. M didn't provide me with many photos this week, but plenty of things have been happening.  On the electric front he finished up his low voltage cables

and he got 3 more inspections signed off, electrical, rough mechanical and final framing...

The rest of the work is much more behind the scenes.  We are moving on to insulation, so much research and discussion *yawn*, finally decision made and order placed.  Then lots of blocking had to be added to the framing that eventually the wall board will be nailed to.  So this coming few weeks will mostly be about covering up all the plumbing, ducting and electrics.  Mr. M  could've just thrown it all in there after all, no one will see how pretty it looks for much longer.

I on the other hand have taken lots of photos of my garden for this weeks update. We got a day of rain about a week ago and then we just had a mini-heatwave for a few days, consequently it's all been getting a grow on.

Sweet Williams and nasturtiums, these overwintered and so have come back and flowered earlier than normal this year...

Cornflowers also overwintered and are so pretty, they are perfect for bringing into the house.....

The final overwintering plant is lobelia, this is popping up all over the place, in the beds, and in my pathways, I leave it wherever it lands and it is gorgeous....
Despite living with the ducks my dogwood tree is full of flower...

The new wildflower bed is poised, waiting to break out into song bloom...

The veggies aren't wanting to let the flowers steal their thunder and so are growing hard.  Peas please....

Potatoes, nearly as tall as me!

Raspberries, won't be much longer...

Scored some free pepper plants from the farmers market...

Beans are starting up the poles, and this year I am growing little patty pan squash instead of zuchinni, they already have some fruits...

Finally the carrots are outgrowing the beets and the radishes, one day in the future I WILL succeed in growing radishes, Me, I can't grow radishes, end of...

See you in 2 weeks folks.

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