Sunday, June 2, 2019

Another Tick v.g.

Electrics are all done, just have to schedule the inspection, hopefully that will be this coming week.  Once the rough electrical (first fix) is signed off then the rough mechanical and the final framing inspection can be done.

Half a mile of wire apparently - who knew!

This week he finished up with the Coax/CableTV and Cat6 ethernet cables, for those luddites amongst us that's for the telly and the tinternet!!

Everything is wired into a "structured media center", as long as it works that is all I am concerned about.

It's June already, and my garden is getting it's pretty on.... 


Veggies are definitely on the grow....

This weekend I got my seeds planted up in the greenhouse for this years winter/2020 Spring garden, hoping to have carrots, cauliflowers, brussel sprouts and leeks, soup, soup and more soup!

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