Sunday, February 18, 2018

It's like the smug police are punishing us....

Another week a bit more progress.  First job this week was the finish up that West Wing...  Before he could get the big windows in he had to put in a ledger for the deck that will eventually run the length of the wall...

Then he added the sills to the window ledges.....

Then the windows got fitted, these are pretty big windows, 8 foot tall.. lots of "being careful"  not to drop them :)

And that was it, ALL the windows fitted, all 24 of them!

Onto the doors... first door goes into the final hole on the West wing.....

This is a fibre glass door and the frame needs to be painted white.  But I do believe the West wing, much like the East wing, is now complete!

So next its the front door.  We spent a lot of time thinking (well I didn't, but Mr M did) about what doors to buy, there are any amount of doors out there but the problem being most of them come from China.  Living in Oregon, the lumber state, it behoved us to buy a wooden door from China!  We looked at lots of options and finally found a reasonably priced option handmade in Washington State.  Of course there are many different configurations for the windows (lights) and panels, and blah blah blah.... which also caused Mr M quite a bit of anxiety.... we/he finally decided on this knotty Alder.....

As soon as it got fitted, it got taken off and is now in the garage being varnished... we decided against a stain and are keeping it the natural color with a satin varnish.....
Finally after being so smug about the weather last week we woke up to a snowy mix today.... a subtle reminder that it is still winter....

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