Sunday, February 4, 2018

"February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March." Dr JR Stockton

First thing this week Mr M finished up all the plumbing for the waste water....

We only have one vent pipe out through the roof, which meant a few more twists and turns inside...

But keeps the outside looking clean.....

Then being blessed with some lovely weather he cracked on with the last three windows in our bedroom.  First he put in the wooden posts that go between the windows...

The he wrapped the dormer.....

Which was a bit of a "clenching" experience......

 Then the windows got fitted....

And from the inside... lovely, lovely windows :)

All that is missing is a front door.....

The gorgeous weather is set to continue, Thank you February.... Mr M will be getting the last windows installed, these are the biggies so he'd better not drop any!

This nice weather has me thinking of Spring, Summer and the garden.  Garden project 2018 no. 2 is underway. 

7 post holes dug and 7 posts in place... 4 more to go.. this is the start of project DeerBeGone.....


This years garlic is growing well already, Won't be long and soon all the beds will be full!

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