Sunday, June 18, 2017

Safety First!

Where to start...

Wayne came back and finished up the back filling, he laid the rest of the drainage pipe and filled with rock and we have finally gotten rid of one of our piles of dirt....

We also had him lay rock right up to the house, much easier for unloading stuff into the house.  Plus with 3 dogs I am all about getting up and out of the mud...

Mr M seems to be getting the hang of this stair making malarkey, we now have a set of "temporary" stairs up to our front door.....

Whilst all that was going on Mr M was laying his top plates and has begun one of the end walls in the upper floor.

This is the end wall of our loft bedroom, bathroom and storage area, he has also framed the windows in the wall but I forgot to take a photo - next week!

We had a few days of rain at the end of the week (what a surprise) so Mr M headed into the garage and worked on the 3 dormer windows that will be going into the roof....

A pile of dormers...

He did have his first work related accident - hammer and finger *ouch* as he made the effort to take the photo I had better share it with you....

Here is a much nicer photo for you to look at - the view from my future office....

So the BIG job of the roof is fast approaching and it's quite high up there, so as it is safety first on this worksite Mr M has brought a bucket....

What is in your bucket? a hole? No not a hole..

But all the safety kit you could need for high roof work... or maybe he is going into the bungee jump business...

I'll keep you posted on that!
So this weekend I harvested the first of my "early" Garlic, this variety is known as "Red Janice", I haven't grown it before and am excited to try it as it is a hot/red variety, the yield wasn't brilliant so I am not sure if I will replant for next year, we will decide once we have done the taste test....
I still have 3 more varieties to harvest, so expect lots of photos of garlic *boring*
I have started putting in some beds along my fence line, I brought these shrubs quite a while back, poor things were very root bound, but now they have lots of lovely fresh compost plus some magic tree feed and so they can stretch out and grow, this is just one of the beds...

The other two will be on the other side of the fence, so some more digging to do....

Finally a pretty picture of my Sweet Williams, see you next week....

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