Sunday, June 25, 2017

My dog thinks I'm awesome.....

Happy summer, longest day has been and gone and now the nights are drawing in... soon be Christmas!

So before Christmas arrives the work must continue, the week started with Mr M finishing up his first upper wall, he has framed the windows...

Notch in the top is where the ridge beam will sit...

Next job he had to install a glulam beam across the end wall so that the other upper wall can sit on it.  Its a 26 foot long beam and will be visible inside the house when it is finished. 

From wikipedia: Glued laminated timber, also called glulam, is a type of structural engineered wood product comprising a number of layers of dimensioned lumber bonded together with durable, moisture-resistant structural adhesives. In North America the material providing the laminations is termed laminating stock or lamstock.

It got delivered....

And then put into position....

Action stations wall jacks....

And up she goes....

Into place....

Lubbly jubbly......

Next he built the other end wall that will sit on the top of the beam.....

Piece by piece....

There is a going to be a big window above the other big window, lots of light or windows for peeping toms...
This wall also has the notch out of the top for the ridge beam to sit in...

Next job he installed another Port Orford cedar post, this is also holding up the upper floor, there will also be a third post which sits in the middle of these two but up on the upper floor... still following?....

This post is just sitting on the floor, so in order to make sure the weight is distributed down through to the foundations Mr M had to go down into "the crawl space".... UGH.... once down there he installed another post that sits directly under the post above and then sits on the magic concrete pad that was part of the foundation laying - I wondered what that was for...

And so we are really getting up there now, you may have noticed that all the upper end walls are still on the lower ground floor... so next job is to get them up and get our ridge beam installed for the top of the roof.  This is giving Mr M lots of pause for thought so who knows what this week will bring!

My garden is really growing well now, I have started picking courgettes (zucchini's) as you have probably all seen one of these before it doesn't matter that I didn't take any photos before eating! nomnomnom....

I did get a photo of my second round of garlic harvest, this is another early red/hot variety "China Dawn", lots & lots of bulbs, we will be having garlic in and on everything and I still have two more varieties to harvest.

Look at me in my fully color coordinated gardening clothes, even my shoelaces match!

Yes you are awesome......

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