Sunday, December 11, 2016

Are you sitting comfortably then I'll continue...

When we were last here ,we left Glenda, The Engineer and his adorable wife admiring the wonderful house The Engineer had built!

"We need to make a deal Engineer" said Glenda, "this house isn't finished, I need a door"

"Oh Glenda" the Engineer sighed "I really think I should be moving onto to something more constructive with my time"

Suddenly Glenda the good witch didn't look so good anymore, her eyes changed color and she looked a bit more bad!

"Why Glenda, what Green eyes you have" said the Engineer.

With that she turned her wand onto the unsuspecting Daisy Dog...

 "Either I get a door, or the paw gets it"

Wait"" cried the Engineer, he rushed into his workshop and a while later she had a door..

But then Glenda declared "the house isn't finished I need windows"

"Oh Glenda" the Engineer sighed "I really think I should be moving onto to something more constructive with my time"

Suddenly Glenda the good witch didn't look so good anymore, her eyes changed color and she looked a bit more bad!

"Why Glenda, what Green eyes you have" said the Engineer.
"Give me windows" cried Glenda "or the tail gets it"
"Wait" cried the Engineer, he rushed into his workshop and a while later she had windows..

Glenda paused for a while and considered her house, she seemed to be pleased and her eyes returned to the blackest of black they had always been.

But then with a shout she cried "it's still not finished, it must have The Sign"

"Oh Glenda" the Engineer sighed "I really think I should be moving onto to something more constructive with my time"

Suddenly Glenda the good witch didn't look so good anymore, her eyes changed color and she looked a bit more bad!

"Why Glenda, what Green eyes you have" said the Engineer.

"Make me the sign or the precious pink nose get's it" she cried..

"Wait" cried the Engineer, he rushed into his workshop and a while later she had The Sign..

They all stood back and admired the house, peace and calm seemed to fall over the scene and finally Glenda declared "I can confirm this house is perfect"..
Here endeth the tale of the good (or not so much) witch Glenda, The Engineer and his adorable wife, who as far as we know all lived happily ever after!

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