Sunday, December 4, 2016

Are you sitting comfortably then I'll begin.....

Once upon a time in a far off distant town on the Southern Oregon Coast there lived a retired Aircraft Engineer and his adorable wife!

One day about a year ago they were visited by Glenda, the good witch of the West!

Who declared to the Engineer that she needed somewhere to live!  Glenda spent months visiting various parts of the property before coming to rest on top of the power pole where she declared...

"'tis here, this is where I want to reside"

The Engineer and Glenda had some design meetings and once in agreement a model was made.....

Then the Engineer set to work, he created the frame around the power pole...
And then he added some roofing felt, Glenda needs to keep her hat dry....

Glenda said to the Engineer "I want it clad in Cedar, it must be clad in Cedar, Cedar is the only cladding for me"...

So Cedar it is.......

Next Glenda said "I will need a tower, where will I keep the princesses if I don't have a tower?"
BUT the Engineer said "Aren't you a good witch? why would you need somewhere to keep the princesses"
Glenda blushed and quietly confirmed "I am a good witch, but I DO still need a tower"

So the tower was framed.....

And put into place where Glenda cried "I love it, you are a genius, from up here I can see for miles around"...

This wonderful creation is coming together and this story will be continued next week.....

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