Sunday, August 14, 2016

"shed" a simple roofed structure, typically made of wood or metal, used as a storage space, a shelter for animals, or a workshop

Here we go then....

Most of the last 2 weeks has been spent finishing up the new pump house. 

First, much like the garden shed, the walls were covered with tar paper and then they were finished with cedar!

The roof is red metal to match the barn! and then the corners were boxed in.

Next the inside was insulated and boarded with plywood...

Once the shed was finished it of course needed a door...

It now also has a door handle!!  Looks pretty nice, I see shed designer in Mr M's future!

The inside is also all wired and "live", that's magic that is...

The water filters were already in and working hard providing us with lovely clear water..

Next up he is putting the water tank in and then will be setting up the pump house! Should be all up and running (see what I did there) by next blog!

Mr M also finally got around to putting gutters on my greenhouse, now we are in the midst of the dry weather we need gutters *note the sarcasm* - but no worries, the rain will return soon! Plus they look good!

Not much else exciting has been happening - we are still enjoying the pleasure of a home grown garden!

We have been harvesting zuchinni's daily, I took some to our local food bank this bank, plus delivering to our neighbors, they will start shutting their doors soon when they see me coming..

I emptied out 2 more of my potato bins, "German Butterball" - delicious.......

My garlic has finished curing so the airstream is once again restored to it's glory of empty nest and we are once again enjoying fresh garlic from the garden!  I will keep some of the biggest bulbs back to replant for next year, plus I have ordered 3 new varieties to grow, we are not going to be short of garlic next year!

We have been picking cherry tomatoes for a while, but this weekend we got our first BIG tomato, it was YUMMY!! I never buy store brought tomatoes, they just don't taste of anything compared to home grown!

My outdoor plants have plenty of fruit, just need the  sun to keep on burning strong....

Runner beans are looking good, full of flowers and I spy a couple of beans ready for picking...

Finally I pulled out all my pea plants, which were FULL of greenfly/aphids, so I stuck a couple of chickens in there and they had them cleared up within a couple of hours...

It is now planted up with broccoli and cabbages ready for the fall/autumn season...

The FU is doing well, everyone is living in harmony and enjoying these long summer days..

As are we....

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