Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Great Wall of Port Orford!!

This week we had both the plumbing and electrical inspectors come out, everything is fine and they don't seem to spend long looking at stuff, in fact the plumbing inspector seemed to spend more time looking at motorbikes than pipes!

The big task of the week was the new wall, this is now in place instead of the garage door, I love the garage door but not enough to have it in my living room!

First it was framed...
Using the wild flame throwing nail gun....

Then it is has tar paper laid over it to waterproof...
Siding was cut to fit, edges painted first..
Our bargain "'ow much is that" $50 window was installed"....
 and voila - we have a new wall!

We will be painting the siding to match the rest of the barn, and I think then it will look much more like a home!  We are so pleased with how this turned out, I am thinking window boxes for the summer!

So this week he is going to start insulating the walls, it is full steam ahead now to get it all insulated, wall boarded, floor down, bathroom and kitchen installed and Mrs M in-situ ASAP!!

"From mid-May to mid-October, the weather is so predictable you can count on sunshine and 65 to 75 degrees with a comfortable ocean breeze almost all the time. During the winter, the weather is so unpredictable that one day you'll see hurricane force winds, giant crashing waves and horizontal rain... followed by blue skies and warm sunshine the next.".....

....quote taken from

It's been a week of wind, heavy rain, sunshine and blue skies!!

The rain gauge has been busy measuring, so far for January we have 6.5 inches...

But as long as a day of heavy rain is followed by this...

Then we are happy humans.... that's all for this week folks, soon be Spring!


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