Sunday, January 24, 2016

NASA called... they want their space ship back!

It's all about warmth this week... we are now fully insulated apart from the floor.  We have used a mixture of traditional and modern insulation.  We have regular, pink, *don't breathe near it or you will die* stuff and some newer modern technology shiney stuff!

We used something similar in the UK when we did a loft conversion, it means you can fill much smaller depths and essentially achieve the same level of insulation, providing it has been installed correctly of course! *looks at Mr M for reassurance*

It works on the premise of a radiant barrier and therefore needs an air gap around it, so we have installed it on the big internal wall allowing a gap between it and the wallboard both sides, and also around the new outside wall, as the studs are only 4 inches deep and therefore we couldn't have fitted regular insulation in there to get the right R rating.  We were really pleased with the insulation we had used in the UK and so were more than happy to give something similar a go over here!

Besides it's like our very own little tribute to David Bowie and his Space Oddity!

"Ground Control to Major Tom"


Another business idea sprang to mind, warm and waterproof dog jackets!

Designed exclusively by Mr M, modeled by Daisy Matthews!

I still favor the more traditional *certain death* insulation, there is something more convincing about thick, pink and fluffy!!!

This is the corner where my desk will sit...

Should the saw stay or go? decisions, decisions!

Back of the bedroom wall, leading into the bathroom

Lovely and toasty, it really does feel warmer in there! we have also ordered our pellet stove this week, so as soon as it arrives Mr M will get it installed and we will be able to dry out any moisture that might be in the building before installing the wallboard. 

We decided to go with another pellet stove as opposed to a wood burner as we were always so happy with the one in our old house.  Low maintenance, you can fire it up, fill the hopper and leave it to take care of itself, doesn't create much ash and will eventually be moved into our "house proper" as our main heating source!

I have also decided on the color scheme for the internal walls! and in my mind my kitchen is going to look fabulous - even on a budget :)

This weekend we managed to get up into the garden to lay out my vegetable beds, I need to start digging out the grass and then we will get them framed out before buying a bulk load of compost to fill them all ready for Spring planting.  Spring really is just around the corner, daffodils are starting to flower and the frogs are getting loud and proud most days.

I know it looks like a lot of stakes, but there is order to the madness...

So another week flies by, another wet week! I need to empty the rain gauge again, it's only been a week but we are just over 6.5 inches for the week!  Sure does rain a lot here in the winter, filling up our well for the summer.

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