Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week 1 in the Big Brother House!

Ola people, so it's been one whole week in the big brother house, well actually just over a week, but the first whole week of Mr M's new job!

And it's been a good week, took a few days to kind of get into some sort of routine, for him not me - I just got up as normal and started work as normal! So lots has been achieved, Mr M has wired up the garage, so we now have lights in there, amazing how some lights can make it so much more livable.

It involved lots of conduit, and holes being drilled into the lovely barn, and then 8ft grounding rods were driven into the ground and grounded with copper wire.  I did see Mr M reading an electrical book the other day ;)

Today Mr M and his mate Dennis dug the trenches for the septic line (with tractor) this meant we had to up sticks and move house temporarily. Trenches are dug, tomorrow the pipes get laid and then Tuesday they are inspected, and then we can cover them back up and put the airstream back under the carport, we will then be hooked directly into the septic! YAY!!

We've gone camping elsewhere for a couple of days!

I spent most of the week working hard, during my breaks I got on with the house work (doesn't take long) and going to the Laundromat, we have got my machine working here but it's a cold wash only, tomorrow I am going to concrete in my washing line, especially as the forecast is for sun sun sun!!!

Next project after we are back under the carport is our decking! We went to Bandon and brought all the wood, found an excellent supplier (Thanks to Dennis) and Mr M has been busy getting all the framing ready, I spent the day today painting up the deck slats! it is going to be an absolute lifesaver when the rain arrives, especially with it partially covered and walled in!  We just had 2 days of rain, and the mud/grit/dirt that comes in on 3 dogs is relentless, so I will be giving Mr M a great big kiss once the decking is up! Should be by the end of the week!

Mr M has been getting some sort of organization in his garage... he has a work bench to put his notebook on!

We have been enjoying some spectacular walks after our working days, we either visit the beach or go and walk at Port Orford Heads State Park, and walk the trails out around the headlands.  Cape Blanco State Park has some great trails to walk as well, we are really spoilt for choice now, and normally we see NO ONE else :)

Apart from salamanders, we see lots and lots of salamanders!

That's all until next week folks!!!

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