Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mr M gets inspected, and does a bit of an Alan Titchmarsh!!

Well another week has fairly flown by here at "Wern Y Wylan" - I told you we have a name for our property - first person to translate correctly wins a week in Paradise!

Lots has been going on, firstly Mr M got his main septic lines laid and had his first inspection - which of course he passed with flying colors! I think the inspector was more interested in discussing his machines and motorcycles, a nice guy who is our "plumbing" inspector!

So once that was all completed the trenches were filled in and the airstream was moved back in under the carport - living in the trailer is easy, but having to move makes it a real pain in the behind! but that is it, we are now back here permanently!

The other BIG job that got completed this week was our decking, we are all about trying to make life as comfortable as possible, especially when the winter arrives and the rain!  decking gets us up off of the ground and will help to expand our living area whilst in the trailer and also when we are living in the garage!

We are going to cover and enclose one end of it to give us more room to store shoes, coats, and other things that you don't realize you need to hand until you don't have them :) also the doglets can then lay out there in the rain and watch the world go by!

More wiring has also been completed, basically that is it now for the electrics and the septic, until he starts on the garage, once we are settled and ready for winter Mr M will be getting on with outside work, making the most of the good weather.

We also did some landscaping, we have raked and leveled and raked quite a few areas and we have sown some grass seed - now we just need some rain! and then we will get some green - lovely!

The weather has been holding steady, we have been treated to some excellent views from Port Orford Heads State Park.

The old lifeboat station is here too, including the house which leads down 530 steps to the old lifeboat launch.

Finally this weekend I decided we needed cake! but we don't have an oven, I remembered I had read somewhere once about baking on the BBQ - so I gave it a whirl.... YUMMY, and yes it does taste as good as it looks!

That's all for this week, Monday tomorrow and it starts all over again!!


  1. You are doing so well and the beaches are idyllic. Wow that cake looks good. I would never thought you could bbq one. Your a woman of many talents lol. Now translation for your lovely place is coming up as Swamp the Seagull. Hmm is this correct should I start packing?

  2. You are doing so well and the beaches are idyllic. Wow that cake looks good. I would never thought you could bbq one. Your a woman of many talents lol. Now translation for your lovely place is coming up as Swamp the Seagull. Hmm is this correct should I start packing?
