Saturday, October 24, 2015

Who lives in a house like this?

Welcome to "Who Lives in a House like This?" where we visit the homes of the rich and famous and take a bit of a nose around!  Imagine, who would have such taste and live in such opulence? - American Billionaire? - Saudi Prince?

Join me on this journey as we peer through the Key Hole - or in this case the window.......

... on our quest to discover - Who Lives in a House like This?

The first thing you are met with is the spacious and airy outdoor living space! no expense spared here, even coat hooks made from nails!

You enter in through the door, no need for fancy entranceways, straight into the open plan living room, dining room and kitchen....

Which also acts as a fully functioning office space for the remote worker of today's society!

Moving through the fully equipped galley kitchen, the biggest surprise is all the storage available to the chef, lots of hidden treasures unseen to the passerby!

On through the house we go, along the hallway past the bedroom which again contains much more closet space than you would first think... Rows upon rows of designer clothes are hidden behind those closet doors!

Then we are into the "littlest room in the house" where you are once again thrown into astonishment by the space that is created! Apart from the "throne" there is a very spacious shower, sink and even an airing cupboard for keeping all essentials dry and fresh!

Clearly these people are lovers of dogs.... their presence is everywhere, its subtle but will not go un-noticed..

Finally a walk around the property produces some delights that could pass you by if you just drove on through.... lots of love and attention is being lavished here, as well as money!

Well that's all for this week folks, next week we peer once again through the key hole of the rich and famous to discover Who Lives in a House like This?


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mr M gets inspected, and does a bit of an Alan Titchmarsh!!

Well another week has fairly flown by here at "Wern Y Wylan" - I told you we have a name for our property - first person to translate correctly wins a week in Paradise!

Lots has been going on, firstly Mr M got his main septic lines laid and had his first inspection - which of course he passed with flying colors! I think the inspector was more interested in discussing his machines and motorcycles, a nice guy who is our "plumbing" inspector!

So once that was all completed the trenches were filled in and the airstream was moved back in under the carport - living in the trailer is easy, but having to move makes it a real pain in the behind! but that is it, we are now back here permanently!

The other BIG job that got completed this week was our decking, we are all about trying to make life as comfortable as possible, especially when the winter arrives and the rain!  decking gets us up off of the ground and will help to expand our living area whilst in the trailer and also when we are living in the garage!

We are going to cover and enclose one end of it to give us more room to store shoes, coats, and other things that you don't realize you need to hand until you don't have them :) also the doglets can then lay out there in the rain and watch the world go by!

More wiring has also been completed, basically that is it now for the electrics and the septic, until he starts on the garage, once we are settled and ready for winter Mr M will be getting on with outside work, making the most of the good weather.

We also did some landscaping, we have raked and leveled and raked quite a few areas and we have sown some grass seed - now we just need some rain! and then we will get some green - lovely!

The weather has been holding steady, we have been treated to some excellent views from Port Orford Heads State Park.

The old lifeboat station is here too, including the house which leads down 530 steps to the old lifeboat launch.

Finally this weekend I decided we needed cake! but we don't have an oven, I remembered I had read somewhere once about baking on the BBQ - so I gave it a whirl.... YUMMY, and yes it does taste as good as it looks!

That's all for this week, Monday tomorrow and it starts all over again!!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week 1 in the Big Brother House!

Ola people, so it's been one whole week in the big brother house, well actually just over a week, but the first whole week of Mr M's new job!

And it's been a good week, took a few days to kind of get into some sort of routine, for him not me - I just got up as normal and started work as normal! So lots has been achieved, Mr M has wired up the garage, so we now have lights in there, amazing how some lights can make it so much more livable.

It involved lots of conduit, and holes being drilled into the lovely barn, and then 8ft grounding rods were driven into the ground and grounded with copper wire.  I did see Mr M reading an electrical book the other day ;)

Today Mr M and his mate Dennis dug the trenches for the septic line (with tractor) this meant we had to up sticks and move house temporarily. Trenches are dug, tomorrow the pipes get laid and then Tuesday they are inspected, and then we can cover them back up and put the airstream back under the carport, we will then be hooked directly into the septic! YAY!!

We've gone camping elsewhere for a couple of days!

I spent most of the week working hard, during my breaks I got on with the house work (doesn't take long) and going to the Laundromat, we have got my machine working here but it's a cold wash only, tomorrow I am going to concrete in my washing line, especially as the forecast is for sun sun sun!!!

Next project after we are back under the carport is our decking! We went to Bandon and brought all the wood, found an excellent supplier (Thanks to Dennis) and Mr M has been busy getting all the framing ready, I spent the day today painting up the deck slats! it is going to be an absolute lifesaver when the rain arrives, especially with it partially covered and walled in!  We just had 2 days of rain, and the mud/grit/dirt that comes in on 3 dogs is relentless, so I will be giving Mr M a great big kiss once the decking is up! Should be by the end of the week!

Mr M has been getting some sort of organization in his garage... he has a work bench to put his notebook on!

We have been enjoying some spectacular walks after our working days, we either visit the beach or go and walk at Port Orford Heads State Park, and walk the trails out around the headlands.  Cape Blanco State Park has some great trails to walk as well, we are really spoilt for choice now, and normally we see NO ONE else :)

Apart from salamanders, we see lots and lots of salamanders!

That's all until next week folks!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

1 Husband, 1 wife, 3 dogs and 4 chickens head South -The Move Part 2!

Well after the first move we had a frantic week of packing, packing and more packing, plus some cleaning and also catching up with an old friend from England, who happened to be in Seattle for business, 2 weeks later and he would have missed us completely!  His business trip was perfect timing, although I don't think he believed me when I told him my house didn't normally look in such disarray!

FINALLY the day arrived of the big move, coincidently it was almost 2 years to the day that we had completed on our Port Orford property, we had originally said 18 months until the move, so only 6 months out of our original plan! and what a lot we have had done in those 2 years!

The day arrived and we were all packed up and ready for the final 10 hour trip, another convoy! Special Thanks for my lovely ex-neighbor Tracy who did a mercy dash to the charity shop the day prior to the move to get me an audio book! turned out to be a really great book!!!!

We made it safe and sound, all of us, chickens included!! they traveled really well, better than I expected, we got there just before dark so they spent the night in their boxes in the back of the truck.

Then they moved into their new coop, and seemed to approve!

And then today I put up a fenced run for them, I need to add some better corner posts and we are going to make a wooden gate to match our big gates!! you know its all about consistency with this project, I was so happy to give them some more freedom, they looked happy out dust bathing in the sunshine.

We have been busy getting ourselves settled, currently all our stuff is in the garage, we are going to wait a couple of weeks before sorting it all out and putting it into the container, as we anticipate a few items in some of those boxes being needed! and already we have had a few things out of them.  Also for the next few weeks Gareth will be concentrating on getting the trailer and site ready for winter and the rain, we have some more fencing to complete, we need to get the septic run back to the garage and first job is the main electrical panel being put in the garage.  We are also going to be putting some decking out along the trailer, keeping us up and out of the dirt/mud, and it will be covered and enclosed at one end opening up our living area!  It will be made to be moveable so when we move into the garage it will be moved round to sit in front of the garage and be our "outdoor living" area there :)

Our new home is SO cosy, housework doesn't take long leaving more time for decorating with fairy lights.   I went to the Laundromat today to hang out with some locals and catch up on all the gossip! life is good in Port Orford.

We now have had our address registered with USPS so we have our mailbox to put up and will be able to receive mail, it's something you don't think about when you buy a piece of untouched land, it doesn't actually exist! we had the address registered with the county when we applied for permits, but USPS needed to register it too! we have also put a number on the gate along with our house name :) more on that in another blog!

We got our high speed internet connected, it is FAST much faster than our internet was in the big metropolis of Seattle, we also have a land line, so I am ALL set to get back to work first thing tomorrow!

Not much else to report, our move proved to be as uneventful as we hoped it would be, when we first brought our property all I could  think about was "how were we going to move all our stuff down here" but with the slow process of everything happening over 2 years, each little thing has been dealt with separately, including the move, once we finally decided how we were doing it, actually completing it was a breeze!

And so the fun now begins, tomorrow is Monday morning, back to work for me, and the start of a new way of life for him!

Molly is definitely happy to be a beach bum, her hair is looking scraggy enough to be a surfer dude!