Sunday, August 27, 2017

The hazards of living in a shed!

So we started the week off with an extra day off... more on that later, but following that he finished up the final roof rafters which butt up against the plywood..

Next job he worked on the brackets to go on the 2 end walls, these will hold one more rafter at the end for the over hangs on the roof.  Some fancy carpentry by Mr M....

He also added some straps to the gable wall that will house the big windows, this apparently will tie the beam into the walls.....

And that was about it for this last week....

As I said we had an extra day off this week for the 2017 eclipse, we didn't have 100% over our house, but 95% was close enough to keep us at home and in the garden.  We got all the gear "no idea"... and it was eclipsical....

It was pretty amazing, it didn't go completely dark but it was very dusk and went cold and quiet... I took this photo through the telescope, its crap but it does at least record what we got :)....

The last couple of weeks we have been battling with the hazards of living in a shed.... ANTS..... "oh they'll only stick around for a day or two" ha ha ha ha ha *manic laughing*

Around 1pm every day they appear, at first coming up from under the floor behind the TV... so out comes the vacuum and I was constantly hoovering them up, after a week I decided that there was no point in having a raised floor if I can't take it up and see where they were coming from....

Basically over the last 2 weeks I have been taking up the floor and giving the vacuum a good work out and putting down lots of ant powder and putting the floor back down! They kept coming back argggggggggggg.... finally today I think we got the final part of the nest (YES there was a nest *shudder*)....

Mostly I have been tasked with this challenge but I know that as soon as I whip out a power tool Mr M is uncomfortable, he hates watching me as he thinks I am so incompetent based on how long it takes me to remove the screws LOL.......
  1. Me taking the drill in hand to remove the screws from the floor... begin drilling...
  2. Two minutes later in strolls Mr M... "what you doing?"
  3. "Just taking up this piece of floor to do the ant thing"
  4. Mr M then stands behind me for a couple of minutes watching. "Do you want me to do that for you?"
  5. Me... "no it's fine, I can manage"
  6. Mr M stands behind me for a few minutes more then leaves....
  7. Skip to 3 minutes later and in he strolls drill in hand, "I thought that you could do with a hand, it will be much quicker if we both do it and then you can get out into the garden" (blackmail).
His and her drills, plus the crowbar for lifting the floor panels... it's all you need for your ant removal project......

I know, I know you are the most experienced at handling power tools....
I could build a house no problem.....

The girls have been somewhat displaced during the floor removal project, but today was the limit.. they ended up with their own "touching the void" moment on the dog beds....

So I really feel like we have won the ant war, and the ants have ended up in the compost pile via the chickens, no one loves ants, eggs and nests more than chickens....

They couldn't make yummy eggs without all that protein.....

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