Sunday, August 20, 2017

Short but sweet!!

Quick update for the week, it's kind of a rinse and repeat thing as the final doghouse dormer has been put in place... here it is just started.....

 Getting up high to get that dormer in...

These dormers are going to be up in the vaulted ceiling and will look so cool from the downstairs...
Nice fascias Mr M.....

All the dormers are done - tick v.g.!

What else is going on, garden is continuing to be amazing and provide us with fresh veggies....

And to go with these fresh veggies we went to the dock and brought some fresh line caught Tuna!!! The boat only goes out for tuna once or twice a year as they have to go out abut 90 miles to catch it, so when we saw the "fresh tuna at the dock" sign we headed down.  We only got 1 fish for $3/lb and for an extra $5 this lovely young lady filleted it for us - what a deal.... enough for about 5 meals....

This weekend we enjoyed some of it with new potatoes and other veggies from the garden and the local farmers market... "eat local" you won't regret it around here..... I really don't "get" the fad with sharing food photos, but as its the done thing here you go.....

Today we went down to the dock and were happy to see the whales back in town....

But looking south all we could see was the smoke from the Chetco Bar wildfire which is currently surrounding Brookings, its shocking how quickly it is spreading, looks like clouds but is all smoke :(  Lots of people are being evacuated and seeing the smoke reminds us that all the rain we had in the winter just feeds the fuel for the summer!

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