Sunday, July 2, 2017

Higher Baby, get Higher Baby...

... Get higher, baby! And don't ever come down!

Fingers crossed it won't come down - right! This week we have gained another 12 feet, we are nearly at the top!

First off this week Mr M made sure the glulam beam he had put up last week was fixed in place using some fancy brackets...

Then he started putting the plywood on the gable end walls...

Not very exciting, but takes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages... what have you been doing today Mr M? looks around expectantly....

Once clad he lifted the wall that is on the ground floor into an upright position ready for its big move up to the top of the wall....

Upstairs and rinse and repeat....

Get the trusty wall jacks into place... (I seriously never realized how useful these things would be when we went off on the journey to buy them 3 years ago)..

Bring in the Big Guns once again....

Oh and apparently Mr M also does lifting and wanted photographic evidence....

Up she goes, put in the struts quickly because its pretty wobbly at first, but always make sure its level......

Nail it onto the floor...

Put a long (18ft) strut on the outside....

And voila, this is almost as high as we are going baby...

We have also installed the final Port Orford Cedar post, this is upstairs and will house the center of the roof ridge beam, there is a really nice post beam connector on the top of the post, but the photographer didn't get a photo of that, nor did he take photos of how he had to chisel out bits of the post to make the bracket fit and sit flush (I might fire him) you can just see it up there on the top...

So this week the ridge beam is coming, along with a big truck with a  crane on it.. not sure how this is going to go so check back next week to see if its all still standing!

Well the garden is really coming along and looking good, it is starting to look like good things are going to happen soon....

I have 2 gorgeous flower beds, growing in these are sweet Williams, nasturtiums, sweet peas and petunias, so colorful and full of bees...

Runner beans are getting to the top of the poles and starting to flower, carrots (which, as I am notoriously bad at growing, are looking very promising) and radish, I have been feasting on radishes for a while *makes note to buy more seeds*....
Peas full of flowers, can't wait for this yumminesss..... 
Turnips so nearly ready to pull, and there are also about 16 parsnips plants in here along with a big empty space which shows where I had some serious germination failures, but some pretty petunias distracting the eye from the empty space - maybe....

The good old faithful courgette plants, full of fruit and already picking.... 
Might have to wait a bit longer for the raspberries.... 

But not so long for strawberries.....
Who doesn't love the smell of sweet peas....

What's not to love about summer.....
From us to you we wish all our fellow 'mericans a safe and happy 4th July....


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