Sunday, July 16, 2017

Deer, Oh Dear!!

Here we go, after last weeks excitement of getting the roof beam in this week might seem a little uneventful!

First job was to finish off the sheathing on the outside walls - check v.g! and then he moved onto the dorma wall!

All framed up...

And then he sheathed the outside before we got the wall jacks in place....

And voila, it's like magic, this is our bedroom window...

And from the outside, all fully sheathed...

Next job was to put a sub-beam on the ridge beam for the dorma roof rafters, these are a different pitch to the rest of the roof and so needed their own beam.....

And so to be sure that all the roof rafters are cut correctly and all match identically Mr M has made some roofing squares and I still don't know how they work despite him showing me. It's a bit like using a protractor in maths - I was shown once but I couldn't tell you what it was for :) but once an Engineer....

He has marked out all his rafter positions and is all set for Monday morning....

And so from me? a quick garden update! I have been battling all week with my nemesis "the deer".  I really thought I had it all covered, everything was fenced and netted, and then he began his nightly visits.  He started with the peas, nibble nibble all around the edges and then onto the beans, slowly stripping my teepee one pole at a time!  Every night I reinforced the netting and rinse and repeat!

So finally after night 3 we built a cage around them, and that seems to have worked, apart from he moved onto the petunias and the turnips and the beets and the ........ *Disclaimer* this is why my beans look a bit ... um... sparse....  I have always prided myself on my "anti-hunt" stance but this deer could definitely turn me!

This week I also continued with harvesting my garlic, this is my third variety "Susanville" excellent yield, a whole barrow full...

I am now curing it ready to take it to the farmers market in a few weeks time...

My "China Dawn" is already cured and ready for the market....

Just one final variety still left to harvest, this needs a week or so more before it is ready, this one is my original variety "Spanish Roja"...
I had an empty bed for a few days, but now it has some brussel sprouts planted and a row of carrot seed....

The garden is looking great if you ignore the trail of destructive nibbles from the deer..

I am particularly pleased with my spaniel cultivation, this variety is easy to grow just needs regular watering and twice daily feeding, if you forget to feed, it can be quite persistent in its reminders...

I am harvesting zucchini's, turnips, carrots and strawberries on a regular basis.. today's harvest...
I wish these dahlia's were from my garden, but they are from the local "u-pick"

I am thinking about entering the "novelty" fruit and veg competition in the county fair... TruckNutz... if you have to ask then google is your friend, you can Thank me Later - Enjoy!

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