Sunday, July 30, 2017

Dog House Dormers, not just for dogs!!

This week got off to a flying start and Mr M got most of the one half of the roof rafters in place by the end of the day Tuesday!

It's great to see how the roof is taking shape around the big bedroom dormer....

Next he started working on the dog house dormer, that is going to be my new office window! So let me tell you about Dormers!  The dormer in our bedroom is what one would call a Shed Dormer - This dormer  has a single flat plane roof, but it is sloped in the same direction as the principal roof only at a shallower angle. See Above. A shed dormer can provide head room over a larger area than a gabled dormer, but as its roof pitch is shallower than the main roof it may require a different roof covering.

We are also having 3 "dog house dormers" or Gable fronted dormer: Also called simply a gabled dormer, this is the most common type.  It has a simple pitched roof of two sloping planes, supported by a frame that rises vertically to form a triangular section below the roofline, i.e. a gable. It is also known as a dog-house dormer (due to its similar shape).

You can Thank me later for all of this knowledge that I am imparting to you weekly!

He had already framed the outside walls a couple months back "on a far off distant memory" rainy day...

The you add the roof trusses..

 Starting to take shape you sheath the walls....

And add the fascias.....

This week he will be getting on with the next side, y'know the side with the big drop... watch this space!

The garden is coming into it's own and is giving back on a daily basis, nomnomnomnom..... we have added peas to the harvest basket....

And I had a bit of a "furtle" in my potato bins, new potatoes taste SO good...

And lots of the usual suspects....

This weekend it is/was the Curry County Fair, after the farmers market off we trotted so I could get my animal fix.  We saw some goats...

Some sheep with the smartest sheepskin coats I have ever seen...

Some piggies with the cutest tooshes going...

Little horses....

Big horses....

And veggies, but no photos of the veggies, you don't need to be looking at someone else's veggies on this blog!!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Get your rivets out.....

Evening, Morning, Afternoon...

Wow one week certainly does fly past when you are having fun OR are busy! take your pick. This week we started off with some more maths/math (and a lot of thinking)...

The roof rafters are either from the bottom of the floor to the ridge beam or from the top of the dorma window to the top of the ridge beam, so Mr M had to tax his brain hard to ensure that they were all cut correctly, this is where his protractors from last week came into action...
Then when he was sure, he set about cutting them to fit the beam...

Voila, they fit so good, nice and neat and tidy, we would expect nothing less from Mr M....

Of course each rafter has to come up from the ground floor and this is where the grand diet plan is coming into fruition, lots of lifting and climbing up and the down the stairs - the shorts have had to have another rivet installed...

First you place it against the floor, run up the stairs and pull it up.  The rafter that is.. not the shorts...

Then you lift it into place....

The really hard work is when they have to be lifted up from the outside. Bend zee knees.....

And slide it into place....

Now it really is starting to look like a house...

This week he will be cracking on with the rafters, he has a pile of them already cut to size and ready to go, and hopefully he will be putting in one of the dog dormas!  What's that? check back next week!

Quick garden update, since this is the only place I get to brag record my successes you have to put up with my repetitive photos.  I pulled the last of my garlic today, and Oh My...what a success this one is, huge bulbs that clearly liked the wet winter......

I have SO much garlic and fortunately for me no-one else at the market is selling garlic this year, so I added some to my table of buttons and sold out on Saturday.....

The garden is giving back daily, strawberries, strawberries whose got the strawberries...

Loving my daily collections...

And the garden isn't all vegetables, all my hard work and patience has paid off waiting for my seeds to germinate, to grow and to flower....

Of course you have to bring them inside....

And because they haven't been mentioned for a while, the FU wanted to you to know they are doing just fine, and enjoying their summer....

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Deer, Oh Dear!!

Here we go, after last weeks excitement of getting the roof beam in this week might seem a little uneventful!

First job was to finish off the sheathing on the outside walls - check v.g! and then he moved onto the dorma wall!

All framed up...

And then he sheathed the outside before we got the wall jacks in place....

And voila, it's like magic, this is our bedroom window...

And from the outside, all fully sheathed...

Next job was to put a sub-beam on the ridge beam for the dorma roof rafters, these are a different pitch to the rest of the roof and so needed their own beam.....

And so to be sure that all the roof rafters are cut correctly and all match identically Mr M has made some roofing squares and I still don't know how they work despite him showing me. It's a bit like using a protractor in maths - I was shown once but I couldn't tell you what it was for :) but once an Engineer....

He has marked out all his rafter positions and is all set for Monday morning....

And so from me? a quick garden update! I have been battling all week with my nemesis "the deer".  I really thought I had it all covered, everything was fenced and netted, and then he began his nightly visits.  He started with the peas, nibble nibble all around the edges and then onto the beans, slowly stripping my teepee one pole at a time!  Every night I reinforced the netting and rinse and repeat!

So finally after night 3 we built a cage around them, and that seems to have worked, apart from he moved onto the petunias and the turnips and the beets and the ........ *Disclaimer* this is why my beans look a bit ... um... sparse....  I have always prided myself on my "anti-hunt" stance but this deer could definitely turn me!

This week I also continued with harvesting my garlic, this is my third variety "Susanville" excellent yield, a whole barrow full...

I am now curing it ready to take it to the farmers market in a few weeks time...

My "China Dawn" is already cured and ready for the market....

Just one final variety still left to harvest, this needs a week or so more before it is ready, this one is my original variety "Spanish Roja"...
I had an empty bed for a few days, but now it has some brussel sprouts planted and a row of carrot seed....

The garden is looking great if you ignore the trail of destructive nibbles from the deer..

I am particularly pleased with my spaniel cultivation, this variety is easy to grow just needs regular watering and twice daily feeding, if you forget to feed, it can be quite persistent in its reminders...

I am harvesting zucchini's, turnips, carrots and strawberries on a regular basis.. today's harvest...
I wish these dahlia's were from my garden, but they are from the local "u-pick"

I am thinking about entering the "novelty" fruit and veg competition in the county fair... TruckNutz... if you have to ask then google is your friend, you can Thank me Later - Enjoy!