Sunday, January 10, 2016

This week's lesson.....

Ola peeps... the first full working week of 2016 is completed, and we survived! YAY!

Mr M has been busy busy busy getting all his plumbing and electrics completed so he can get his rough in (first fix) inspections completed.

All the little things that needed to be done are finished, I could bore you all with all the little details but mostly it consists of pressurizing the plumbing system..

Stripping and pig tailing all the electrical outlets - hands up who knows why it is called pig tailing?  Silly me thought it was because of the cute little curls at the end of each wire ...

but apparently No, that is not why! it has something to do with adding wires to link sockets together *yawn*

He also laid the big cable for the stove and the welder, fitted the bathroom fan, put a socket outside on the side of the barn and did lots more interesting tasks!

And the other BIG task that got completed was framing the big dividing wall that is separating the garage from the living space, all the electrics are also in on this wall!  It is great to have the completed space laid out, we also set the bedroom size and we have marked on the floor the kitchen appliances and workspace, we can now see how it is going to look.  I think everything will fit!

So this week we have the electrical inspector and the plumbing inspector coming! things are moving right along at a good pace which is so exciting! not that being in the airstream is any problem, hardly any fighting amongst the troops - honest!

Crab season kicked off this week, apparently this season has been delayed by a month due to something going on with the crabs in the Pacific - maybe they were away on vacation or something?   We went to the dock last Sunday and it was completely chocca with crab pots, which by now have been dropped, pulled and emptied quite a few times I am sure!

The interesting thing about Port Orford, and the thing that puts it on the "world" "American" map is that it is the only 'dolly' dock on the West Coast, where vessels are launched and retrieved using the cranes, and housed on homemade dollies when not fishing.

You can read all about it here.. if you are so inclined!

It is so cool to see the boats being lifted in and out of the water, we always stop to watch!

And then for a bigger one!

They do this everyday of the year, and apparently due to this method with no harbor and no ocean bar to cross, Port Orford has the most fishable days per year! Who Knew?

As Mr M said, it's not just put on for the tourists and us monkeys to go and watch, this is a busy working port!  So it's crab all round at the moment! we might have to go out for dinner soon!

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